I have read and understand the BCYF Code of Conduct and the BCYF Pool Rules and Regulations. I agree that I will act in accordance with the BCYF Code of Conduct and abide by BCYF’s Pool Rules and Regulations.
The application is factual and complete to the best of my ability.
I hereby waive and release any and all rights, causes of action, and claims for damages I may have against the City of Boston, Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF), and any and all other associated individuals or organizations, for any and all personal injuries or property damage resulting from my participation in BCYF Programs.
I, the undersigned parent or guardian of [______________], a minor, hereby consent to his/her BCYF membership and waive and release any and all rights, causes of action and claims for damages I may have against the City of Boston, BCYF, and any and all other associated individuals or organizations, arising out of any and all personal injuries or property damage which I may now or hereafter have as the parent or guardian of said minor, and also all rights, causes of action, and claims which said minor has or may acquire resulting from his/her participation in the program.
I give consent for me/my child to be administered first aid and to be treated by an emergency medical technician-paramedic, nurse, or physician. Any follow up medical attention may be given at a local hospital and transportation to a Boston hospital is authorized. I give my consent for photographs, audiotapes, and video records of me/my child to be used by BCYF for publicity purposes. I also agree to allow BCYF to use photographs, audiotapes, video records, or other work produced by the member for publicity purposes.
I understand that transportation is not provided and it is my responsibility to arrange transportation to and from BCYF Community Centers and programs.
Failure to comply with these rules and expectations can lead to termination of membership.